Friday 25 January 2013

beauty...sent special delivery

 it's how His gifts always come.

Got my feet wet for this shot....but the sun was going down so fast, there was no time for proper boots.  

I took this shot only a few minutes before.  I had to pull the car over several times on the way home from music lessons the other evening.  Dinner could wait.  My kids don't even ask any more.  They feel the car slowing down and say: "you're going to take a picture?"  

They are lucky I only took pictures that evening.  The beauty was so compelling. Wide open fields like this -- aglow with such radiance -- always make me want to twirl and sing and shout praise at the top of my lungs (just what every teenage son wants to witness while waiting in the car!!) 

On the topic of beauty, John Eldredge writes this:  

"Is this not God's pre-scription for us?  Just take a look around.  The sights and sounds, the aromas and sensations--the world is overflowing with beauty.  God seems to be rather enamored with it.  Gloriously wasteful.  Apparently, he feels that there ought to be plenty of it in our lives....Our experience of beauty transcends our ability to speak about it, for its magic lies beyond the power of words.....We need not fear indulging here.  The experience of beauty is unique to all the other pleasures in this:  there is no possessive quality to it.  Just because you love the landscape doesn't mean you have to acquire the real estate.  Simply to behold the flower is enough; there is nothing in me that wants to consume it.  Beauty is this closest things we have to fullness without possessing on this side of eternity.  It heralds the Great Restoration.  Perhaps that is why it is so healing--beauty is pure gift.  It helps us in our letting go." (The Journey of Desire p.192)

May your eyes and heart be open to see the beauty around you today -- sent special delivery!

text and photos © melody armstrong 2013 (unless otherwise cited).

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