image a little blurry but still beautiful..........KIND OF LIKE MY PRAYERS.
I've been reading Philip Yancy's Prayer, Does it Make Any Difference? And I'm grateful that he begins with the same questions I do about prayer. Admittedly, if I spent less time reading about prayer, and actually just doing it, I'd certainly learn a lot more. Isn't is always easier to think about doing something, rather than just doing it?
I don't always pray to get my prayers answered. I don't pray because I'm trying to speak his promises into fruition. I don't pray because I'm always confident that it changes the course of things in my life or the lives of others. While these admissions may raise eye-brows, I'm just speaking from my heart. I believe that He hears my prayers. I do not question that God is all-powerful and His will ultimately prevails at all times, I simply don't understand yet, the role my prayers have in all of that.
I pray mostly because I can't help it -- my soul calls out to the One who knows me best. I crave intimacy with Him. I long to be known and understood, even in those places deep within my own being that I do not understand myself. Also, I long to know and understand Him --Prince of Peace, Perfect Love, Heavenly Daddy, Mighty Warrior, Creator of All, Keeper of my heart.
I pray because I love God and because He loved me first. I want to be with Him. When I'm tucked close to Him I know I'm safe, secure and no forces can stand against me. My heart feels like it's praying all the time -- even without words. Usually without words.
I understand Macdonald's plea:
"look deep, yet deeper, in my heart, and there, beyond where I can feel, read thou the prayer." (Diary of An Old Soul p.114)
I think I sometimes have a skewed view of what prayer "should" look like, or sound like. I get thinking about what "effective" prayer is -- stuck in a rut where my imagination is imprisoned. It seems ludicrous that my mind narrows when I think about how I should talk to God. Shouldn't my thoughts expand....out past all the known universes....out into the farthest expanses of human imagination -- AND THERE, MEET GOD?
I love the words of Nicole Nordeman:
"Oh, Great God, be small enough to hear me now."
(from her beautiful song Small Enough)
There is much more I'd like to say. But perhaps right now, instead, I will pray.
photos and text (except citations) © melody armstrong
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